Saturday, July 28, 2007

A return to Shite!

It's dark now...

Fucking hell, I have just emerged from a six month depression, I have been slicing myself up quite badly and have spent many weeks in a mental institution. Home now at last, the curtains are closed and I am listening to lots of Black Metal/Doom Metal/Grindcore and watching gore movies and vile Japanese scat-porn. No bastard looked after my cat, it must have starved to death a few months back, that cat was the only fucking thing I loved in the world and now it lies mouldering in the corner, I cant bring myself to bury it and the stench is all but gone now anyway so I will just leave her where she is. Late at night she still talks to me by the light of my lava lamp, she doesn't blame me for her agonising death.... she blames THEM, as do I, and I will have revenge a thousand fold.

Beneath piles of books CDs Magazines Newspapers and rancid t-shirts I discovered my guitar, I have started to learn how to play it again from scratch, I never was much good but I seem to have forgotten the little I new, the drugs THEY forced me to take have fucked up my bruised brain badly. I know I am some kind of experiment and that they are watching my every move, I dont expect to be taken away for some time though, they need to totally break me first and I feel I am far from that state as yet.

I have re-formed ShiteScone as a one man project, although I must express my gratitude to my dead cat for passing me vibes from beyond and inspiring me to write again.

It's Dark Now...

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